Since September 2017 I have been the organizer and host of Parlor, a monthly discussion and debate group based in Washington, DC. Imagine your book club meets a liberal arts college seminar.
Parlor is hosted on a rotating basis at different apartments around the DC area and attended by 15-25 people each time. The topic of discussion each month is chosen by popular vote.
Some topics we’ve discussed in the past:
If you were designing your own social media app, what behaviors and values would you promote and how would your platform promote them?
Cultural appropriation: can a culture's art, dress, etc be "borrowed" without exploitation? And if so, how?
Do we need professional critics (of food, art, etc) in a world where anyone can share their review of anything?
I serve as the organizer of the event: securing a venue, inviting attendees and making the final call on a topic. I also moderate the discussion, and make sure conversation is civil and well-balanced.
At its best Parlor serves as an opportunity to engage in good-natured debate with a wide range of people. It also builds community.
I love convening conversation and connection in this way, and I’d like to see it grow. Interested in hosting a Parlor in your city? Shoot me an email!